Sunshine Blogger Award

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Hello Friends, I was deeply honored and grateful to be nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award today!  I have been overwhelmed by the positive support and kindness of the blogging community, especially for new bloggers like myself. Thank you for your patience, support, and encouragement!

Especially thank you to Nicole at Northern Irish Girl Online for your nomination and for taking the time to read through my blog! Make sure to check out Nicole’s blog and follow her on social media (definitely check out her Instagram account; she has some really beautiful photos)  And thanks for these interesting questions; let’s see how this turns out!

Rules of the Award

  • Thank the blogger who nominated them and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated them.
  • Nominate 11 other blogs and give them 11 new questions to answer.
  • Notify your nominees and display the Sunshine Blogger Award in your post.

Nicole’s Questions

1.  What would your autobiography be called?

Cultivating Motherhood – My lifelong focus and dream has always been being a mother. As a child when people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would say “A mom”.

I was one of the oldest of seven children and had a lot of experience taking care of younger siblings as we grew up, but I know the real reason that I value and cherish my motherhood role so deeply is because of my own mother’s example.

She was and still is the epitome of a wonderful mother and taught us from a very young age that motherhood will bring us more joy than anything else in life possibly could.

2. What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you and would you reenact it for £1?

Hmmm. Trying to decide here, lots to choose from. I think I will have to go with my videography stunt skills.

I am (of course) a soccer mom and was recently filming my son playing. The players got so close that I needed to back up a little as they came towards the goal.

Apparently someone thought the walkway next to the field would be a great place to drop their duffel bag right behind me. As I backed up a few steps without taking my eyes off my amazing son blazing down the field, I completely tripped on the bag but somehow managed to catch myself by gracefully whirling to the side and falling down to the ground. In front of every parent and player. For three soccer fields around!

I totally played it cool though, like I meant to end up on the ground for a better angle…..

I don’t plan to start a career as a motherhood stunt devil and probably wouldn’t reenact it for any amount of money. It wrenched my neck a little; thank goodness for chiropractors!

3. Describe your life in a series of film or book titles.

Well, Motherhood, It’s A Wonderful Life.

You start each morning waking up Sleeping Beauty and all the Little Rascals and getting them ready for the day.  They Sing in the shower, fight like Trolls, and the house is always a Tangled Toy Story.  They think they are Big Hero 6, but really it’s Zootopia around here.  The Cars are always a mess and I am a Dumbo if I ever try to run errands with a tired toddler.

It’s a Frozen Ice Age whenever they leave the back door open in winter and in public I am always Finding Nemo and Finding Dory until we get back Home.

The Rescuers babysit sometimes so that we can go out on a date without the Angry Birds, but I always end up missing them as soon as we leave!

It’s the Story of My Life!

4. Which animal would be the King/Queen/President (other gender-neutral terms are available and can be used, here) when (yes, I said when, the AI’s won’t be taking over, animals will) the animal kingdom rise up and take over?

Definitely lions. I love that there is a balance between the male and female lions’ lifestyle roles.

5. You’re on death row for a crime of your choice, what did you do, why did you do it, and what would your last meal be and why?

If I chose to commit a crime, it might be stealing incredible artifacts that teach us about lost civilizations.  I am fascinated with anthropology and how people lived. What did they eat? What was their dwelling made of? What did they do every day? What did their society expect of them?

My last meal would have to be my mother’s chicken and dumplings because it has always been my very favorite comfort dish she makes. I always tell her it could grow back a bone!

6. If your pet/child or the fly that lives in your bedroom if you have neither, had to give you a reference for your dream job, what would they say and do you think you’d get the job?

Haha, any of my children would probably assure the interviewer that Mommy can give orders and get housework done every day and never get tired of it! I hope they would also say that I am patient and nurturing and want to help others succeed. Getting the job might depend on which child answers….

7. A penguin walks through the door right now wearing a sombrero. What does he say and why is he here?

It is Skipper from Penguins of Madagascar and he high-ones his counter parts and asks if they are in Mexico (they are always getting lost in the show).

8. How would you sell hot chocolate (cocoa) in the hottest country in the world?

Freeze it into popsicles of course!

We have tried freezing almost everything you can think of in popsicle molds….

9. If you were a pizza delivery person, how would you benefit from the use of scissors?

This one is easy! If you don’t tip your delivery person (which is incredibly rude and morally degrading to people who work in the service industry and depend on tips to feed their families), you will probably end up with the receipt torn up all over your front lawn.

Scissors would make it more fun to chop it up into confetti….

10. If you could have a machine that produced £100 for life, how much would you be willing to pay for it?

This is my pessimistic/skeptical self coming out; I would need to see a warranty on the machine first before I could decide……

11. If you could have dinner with three people alive or dead, who would you pick and why?

This is the coolest question, definitely!

#1 Jesus Christ. Who doesn’t have a ton of questions for Him?

#2 Queen Elizabeth I. I am absolutely fascinated with her and her audacity to revolutionize a monarchy, a centuries old religion, and an entire political landscape. I would love to hear her describe what it was like to accomplish all of that and how she personally viewed the society she lived in.

#3 Mother Teresa. I would love to have dinner with Mother Teresa and hear straight from her own lips how she believed in treating other people and why. I would love to be in the powerful presence of someone who has devoted every waking moment to the concern and care of others; someone who has a lifetime of actions to back up what their mouth is saying.

She humbles me and inspires me to want my actions to show others what I am indeed made of.

My Nominations:

I have loved reading through so many of your blogs and am impressed with how much wisdom and quality content can be found in this community! You are all amazing and it was hard to narrow down nominees to just 11 but here are some amazing blogs definitely worth your time:

1. Next Step Happiness  (@nxtstephapiness)

2. Nurturing Family and Self (@NurtureFam_Self )

3. Vaughn Day At A Time (@VaughnDAAT )

4. Zena’s Suitcase (@ZenasSuitcaseUS )

5. Kimberly C Starr (@kimberlycstarr )

6. Fennell Seeds (@Fennell_Seeds)

7. Redirected Life (@JessieMattis)

8. Life Is Now In Session (@JustLauraBelle)

9. Moments of Balance (@BalanceMoments)

10. Cheerfully Simple (@cheerfulysimple)

11. Looks Like Happy (@lookslikehappy)

Congratulations to each of you lovely bloggers!

My Questions For Nominees: 

1. If you were stuck on a two day layover in a third world country for two days, what would you do with your time and what would you wish you had with you?

2. What would you be most proud of your real or imagined child(ren) accomplishing during their lifetime?

3. What mandatory items do you always keep in your purse/car/bag?

4. What is your favorite story you heard as a child and why?

5. What is the worst purchase you have ever made and why?

6. If you could choose between a beach resort vacation and a mountain resort vacation which would you choose and why?

7. What is your favorite sport to watch and favorite sport to play?

8. What did you eat for breakfast or what is your favorite breakfast?

9. How old do you want to live to be and why?

10. What song do you secretly (or not) sing at the top of your lungs when you think no one is listening?

11. What do you wish you could tell your child self?


Congratulations to the nominees, and I look forward to hearing your answers!

Best of Luck and don’t forget to tag me!

Wonderful Wishes to All,

Savannah Saluone

PS  Thank you to Cindy Moore for your nomination today (Nov 15, 2018) for Sunshine Blogger Award! I was very impressed with the content in her posts so make sure to check out her Blog and social media accounts. Thank you Cindy!


About The Author


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Savannah loves being a Lifestyle Writer sharing her experiences and insights as a mother of six young children. She loves to empower mothers to find better balance and enjoy higher quality time with their family through purposeful family living.


  1. Geraldine | 6th Nov 18

    Wow this is the most interesting and specific sunshine blogger award I’ve ever read!!! This is incredible, props to the nominator!! I loved reading your responses, I think turning the hot cocoa into popsicles is such a smart idea!! 😊

    • savannahsal | 6th Nov 18

      Thanks Geraldine, and I agree; Nicole did a great job writing her questions!

  2. Gwendolyn | 6th Nov 18

    Thank you for the nomination!! I enjoyed reading your answers to the questions provided by your nominator! My favorite answer was the one using movie titles and book titles to describe your daily life. That was such a creative answer and I loved reading it 🙂 Your personality definitely shined through your writing! It is always fun learning about the person behind the blog.

    • savannahsal | 6th Nov 18

      Thanks Gwendolyn, it was fun to do! I love your blog posts about books, your daughter is lucky to have a mom so engaged in reading to her!

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