Blogger Recognition Award

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We were so honored to be nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award today!

Thank you Ann Marie Ruby for your nomination!

Please make sure to check out her blog HERE and read her award post.

This is an award given to bloggers by their peers to recognize their efforts to add value to the blogging community.



1. Thank the blogger for nominating you and link to their blog.

2. Write a blog post on your website showing the award.

3. Describe the story of why you started your blog.

4. Write two pieces of advice you have for new bloggers.

5. Nominate 15 more bloggers.

6. Notify each of your nominees that you have nominated them.


Why I Started This Blog

I have been so blessed to be the mother of my six children.

I have always wanted to be a stay at home mom, and I married a wonderful young man that wanted that for our kids too.

Motherhood is the most demanding and most rewarding job there is.

I haven’t slept well for literally years with so many young babies but now that they are getting older, they are finally for the most part sleeping through the night and I am getting some rest.

I have been in survival mode for over eleven years now, and I want to share what I have learned about coping and making motherhood life easier before this stage of life passes and I forget what it is like to be so tired you literally cannot remember your own birthday.

I want my readers to know that I am speaking the truth that I live everyday.

I also want to provide the best possible life for my beautiful children, both as they grow up and as they become adults trying to make the world a better place.

Two Pieces of Advice for New Bloggers:

1- Nothing is Worth Burnout

Most bloggers don’t blog because they have nothing else to do.

They blog to share their passions, experiences, and fulfill a calling to help others.

They are busy people with a lot of demands on their plate before they even start a blog.

That is why new bloggers have to be so careful to avoid burnout.

Starting any type of new business is almost always difficult and time consuming.

Starting a blog is no different; it takes hundreds of hours to start a successful blog.

Pace yourself and pay attention to burnout symptoms: stress level too high, feeling hopeless about it, looking for excuses to quit.

If you don’t pay attention to these symptoms and take steps to find a balance between your work and family life again, your blogging business may never recover.

Take a break from blogging when you need to find a new balance.

Life is always changing and so is our work/life balance.

Make time for what matters most (you and your family).

The rest will fall into place.

2- Write down why you are doing this.

As I was setting up my blog, my coach taught me to think very carefully about WHY I wanted to blog and write it down.

At the time I thought it was a little silly but I did anyways.

A few weeks ago I was so overwhelmed with  the demands of my blog that I found myself literally asking out loud “Why am I doing this again? Is this really worth it?”

I remembered where I had written down my specific goals and reasons for wanting to start this blog.

Reading that helped me to calm down, take a break for a day or two to find that work/life balance again, and I pressed onward.

It is SO important to WRITE DOWN your goals and your WHY.

You may very well need to reference them when life gets hard.

We are so thankful for the amazing support we have found in the blogging community!

We would like to nominate the following to receive the Blogger Recognition Award:

1 Vaughn Day At A Time 

2 Mastering Mom Life  @masteringmomlif

3 The Joy Philosophy  @joyphilosophy 

4 Busy Living My Best Life @justbusyliving 

5 Schauered In Love and Laundry @Schaueredinlove 

6 Normal Life Mom  @Normallifemom

7 Purpose Intended  @purposeintende1 

8 Irish Monarchy  @irishmonarchy 

9 Fit and Freckled  @fit_freckled 

10 Dreams and Coffee @BritDanielle7 

11 Our Tiny Nest  @ourtinynest 

12 She Embarks  @she_embarks

13 Clementine County  @clementinecnty

14 Bright Side Scribe   @brtsidescribe

15 To Love and Live   @toloveandlive1

Congratulations and Best Wishes to these amazing bloggers!

About The Author


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Savannah loves being a Lifestyle Writer sharing her experiences and insights as a mother of six young children. She loves to empower mothers to find better balance and enjoy higher quality time with their family through purposeful family living.

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