Dr Suess Read-A-Thon

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Every mom wants what’s best for their child. It’s up to us moms to take a mountain of propaganda, social pressure, and generations of other people’s experience to sort through what that actually means. What is best for MY child TODAY?

Then add siblings to the mix and you have a world class juggling act going on. Every minute of every day.

Today was our elementary school’s Dr Suess read-a-thon in the gym. Pintrest wants to see selfies of happy parents reading to kids eagerly listening, sitting on a cozy blanket snuggled up with their favorite plush creature.

Reality dictates re-arranging your entire day to collect what you hope is still their favorite stuffed friend, hoping there is a clean blanket somewhere, dividing Costco bags of snacks into small ziploc bags for each child, then lead an entourage of children throughout the school to collect each child from their class and get everyone and everything to the gym.

Once you get there, the fun has just begun. I brought two blankets, one for the girls and one for the boys, distributed a range of books for every age and reading level, and had to remind my preschooler seventeen times to not kick her feet onto the neighboring family’s blanket. By now the read-a-thon is half over and toddler and baby are melting down hard core.

I tried to take a picture of everyone reading together before the situation got any worse but couldn’t get anyone to pay attention, probably because I was trying so hard to be quiet and respectful of everyone else around us. A mother nearby realized what I was trying to do and came over to offer to take the picture for me. Awesome!

Mom Brain instantly computes the benefits versus the risks of staying any longer. It was so much work to get here and oldest children are ecstatic to be here. Younger children are going to whine no matter what because they are missing their nap. We stayed.

And we survived. Bonus for staying until the end: most families had left so when they all melted down when I had them help me clean our area, very few people were left to witness the fun of everyone whining simultaneously.

I love my kids. I love having a big family. Having my kids close together was very important to me so that they would be good friends. I signed up for this juggling act.

Childhood is fleeting for sure. We don’t have many years left that they will all be attending the elementary school read-a-thon together.

I am living my dream and I LOVE IT! Long live Mommyhood!!

About The Author


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Savannah loves being a Lifestyle Writer sharing her experiences and insights as a mother of six young children. She loves to empower mothers to find better balance and enjoy higher quality time with their family through purposeful family living.

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