Best Crock Pot Roast and Vegetables Recipe

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When the beautiful autumn weather comes and the days begin to get chilly, I think we all naturally turn to more crock pot dinners for our family.

There is something incredibly comforting about a warm crock pot sitting on your counter cooking a delicious hot dinner for you….

So little effort, so much reward!

One of  my favorite autumn dinners growing up was my mom’s classic Crock Pot Roast and Vegetables.

We often had it on Sunday evenings, which is when she would take turns making our favorite dinners.

My favorite part of this meal is how easy it is to prepare.

Ten minutes, and you are out of the kitchen with dinner prepared!

As usual, you can substitute just about anything in this recipe to customize it for your family.

First we start with a layer of fresh vegetables.

When I made this particular dinner a friend had just shared with us some freshly-picked yellow potatoes so I washed them and cut them into lengthwise wedges so they would cook more evenly.

I am very sensitive to onions and can’t eat them unless they are cooked for a very long time (so this is one of the few recipes I include fresh onions).

Over the years I have put many different types of onions into this recipe and never been disappointed.

This time I tried small white pearl onions and they were fabulous!

I love to use baby carrots for convenience and taste, so they went into the crock pot too.

Once you have your vegetables prepped, you are ready for the SECRET INGREDIENT.

Lipton Recipe Secrets Beefy Onion Recipe Soup and Dip Mix!

It tastes amazing and will give your roast and veggies all the flavor that they need while cooking!

My mom always sprinkled just one packet over the crock pot but I increase the amazing flavor even more by adding one packet over my vegetables and then one packet over the roast.

However much you decide to add, you can’t really go wrong!

Turn on the crock pot and come back in 6-8 hours to amazingness!

Bonus: Your house will smell amazing!

Add some rolls and fresh fruit to the dinner table and you have a complete autumn meal with very little time or effort involved.

(And in case you were wondering, yes, we did have to find an extra large Crock Pot for our big family!

As our family grew so did the popularity of the Crock Pot to help us provide healthy, fast-prep meals for our family.

We ordered the Oval 8-quart Manual Crock Pot and have loved it!

The oval shape helps fit and cook food better and it holds SO much!)

We hope you enjoy trying our favorite Crock Pot and Vegetables Recipe!

Please feel free to share this recipe with your family and any moms you know that could use a helping hand.


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Thanks for sharing, and best wishes for an easy and delicious dinner tonight and every night. Ü

Saving Motherhood, Ten Minutes At A Time…..

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About The Author


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Savannah loves being a Lifestyle Writer sharing her experiences and insights as a mother of six young children. She loves to empower mothers to find better balance and enjoy higher quality time with their family through purposeful family living.

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