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How To Cultivate Responsibility in Children

It is always interesting to hear what people are most afraid of when it comes to future parenting. Parents that are planning or expecting their…

Best Pizza Ever!

Does your family crave pizza as much as ours does? Pizza is the number one most requested dinner every single week! We usually have it…

How To Cultivate Successful Goal Setting

I am always amused by those who bustle around furiously in the days leading up to New Year’s Day, scrambling to think of…

Ultimate Six Layer Cheesy Bean Dip

In our family, we believe that the more simple the food is, the better it tastes. Not just because it is easier to prepare (and…

Helping Your Child on the Autism Spectrum Cope During The Holidays

We have been blessed with six beautiful, amazing, precious children. We love each of them for their individual qualities, talents, strengths, and weaknesses. We celebrate…

Ultimate Poppy Seed Chicken Casserole

We don’t always eat casseroles, but when we do….. They are fantastic! This is one of my family’s “Silent…

Choosing Positivity

The dictionary definition of positivity is the practice of being positive or optimistic in attitude.

I think the key word here is

Blogger Recognition Award

We were so honored to be nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award today! Thank you Ann Marie Ruby for your nomination! Please make sure to…

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